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The point of life is that you only have one, or at least, you can only remember one.
Meaning that everything you do here will be everything you remember experiencing.
Make the most of it!
You have an opportunity that no one else in life will ever have by just being you.
Only you were born with those genetics, in those surroundings, given those experiences! Experience as much as possible because no one else will ever be able to experience life the way you will.
So many people live their lives not experiencing anything new at all.
They stay within the same 4 walls, only leaving to go to their work, which are just different 4 walls.
The things they do every day hardly change, they hardly go anywhere and nothing new ever happens.
The most exciting and new thing that they may do is order some different food at their favorite restaurant!
You need to figure out what it is you want to experience and then go and experience it, because those experiences are what makes life worth living!
When you think back on your past you do not think about the normal days.
You don’t think about doing the normal things or eating the food you always eat.
What you remember are the moments that take your breath away.
You remember the time you stood by the Grand Canyon in awe or the time you laughed so much with friends that you were afraid you would suffocate!
You remember when you first got the courage to ask out that person you’ve been crushing on way too long and the butterflies you felt in your stomach when you finally took the chance to kiss them.
You remember how proud you were of yourself when your parents told you they were proud of you and how amazing it felt when you achieved something by giving it your all.
These moments are the ones that stick with us and that we remember when times are rough.
These are the moments and experiences that you should seek out day after day.
When you die you will only be able to look back at what you remember.
You will either find regret as the experiences pile up where you were too scared to act, or you will find pride and awe as you remember the moments that took your breath away.
What you will find is up to you, right now.

But at the end of it all the only goal worth striving for is to live a life worth living.


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